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篇名 Fournier's Gangrene: Experience with 21 Patients in NCKUH
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Fournier's壞疽症:成大醫院之21例經驗
作者 潘正欽林永明唐一清林信男蔡宗欣張建成鄭鴻琳
頁次 38-42
關鍵字 Fournier's壞疽症男性外生殖器會陰處腸造廔Fournier's gangrenegenitaliaperineumcolostomyTSCI
出刊日期 199703


Fournier’s壞疽症是發生在男性外生殖器及會陰處,一種雖不常見但相當猛爆性且廣氾破壞性的肌腱及皮下組織壞死疾病。從1989年9月至1996年10月期間,共有21位病患因Fournier’s壞疽症入院,其年齡在32至80之間(平均年齡:58.8歲)。76.2%的病人為糖尿病患。由症狀開始到求診日的期間,由1天到30天不等;組織壞死的主要部位包括:肛門周圍(61.9%),陰囊(14.3%);感染部位的細菌培養則顯示大部份(76.2%)為多菌種混和感染。有18位(85.7%)的病人接受腸造廔手術:包括與第一次擴創手術同時進行或延遲二日以後。結果顯示延遲接受腸造廔手術的病人,其死亡率有相當明顯的提高(87.5%);而全數21位病人的死亡率為33.3%。其中只有一位病患接受恥骨上膀胱造廔。病患接受擴創手術的次數由1次至8次不等,平均為3.3次;而平均住院天數為48.5天。 結論:早期診斷且施予積極的擴創手術及術後傷口照顧,再加上複合的廣效性抗生素,對於Fournier’s壞疽症的治療是相當重要的。而在本院經驗中顯示,於第一次擴創手術時,即同施予腸造廔手術,可以明顯改善病患的預後。


Fournier’s gangrene is an uncommon but fulminant, extensive, and destructive necrotizing fasciitis which involves male urogenitoperineum. We conducted 21 male patients who were admitted with the impression of Fournier’s gangrene which was diagnosed via the medical history and the physical examination from September 1989 to October 1996. Of the 21 patients, their ages ranged form 32 to 80 years (mean: 58.8 years), and 76.2% of the patients were diabetes mellitus. The latent interval varied from 1 to 30 days, and the major localizations of involved area were perianal (61.9%), scrotum (14.3%). Bacteriologic cultures were mixed multiple pathogens in most patients (76.2%). Colostomy was done in 18 of 21 patients (85.7%), and patients with delayed colostomy performance had a significant high mortality rate (87.5%). The overall mortality rate of the 21 patients was 33.3%. Only one patient received suprapubic cystostomy. Numbers of debridement in each patient varied from 1 to 8 times with a mean of 3.3, and the hospital stay ranged from 20 to 145 days with a mean of 48.5. We conclude that early diagnosis, aggressive debridements, and intensive medical care are critical for Fournier’s gangrene. In our series, the prognosis is significantly improved if the colostomy was done simultaneously with the first debridement.
