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篇名 The Double-Barrelled Wet Colostomy: An Alternative Method for Urinary and Fecal Diversion
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 雙柱濕性大腸造口—尿路及腸道分流手術之另一種選擇
作者 查岱龍林明正馬正平于大雄
頁次 48-52
關鍵字 濕性大腸造口尿路分流直腸膀胱陰道廔管wet colostomyurinary diversionrecotovesicovaginal fistulaTSCI
出刊日期 199703




Urinary and fecal diversion sometimes happen in patients with an advanced primary or recurrent carcinoma. Most of these cases are tuff and pose complicate problems for urologists, and the choice of diversion is controversial. To date 6 patients have undergone double-barrelled wet colostomy in our section for simultaneous diversion of the urinary and fecal streams with a single abdominal stoma and been followed up from 5 to 13 months. Five cases have recurrent cervix cancer with rectovesicovaginal fistula and one has invasive colon cancer. Two patients had died from complications of the procedure with urosepsis in one case and anastomosis dehiscence in the other one. One patient had massive vaginal bleeding one month after the surgery and received arterial embolization. The other three had more satisfactory results with fair conditions. The perioperative mortality rate is 33% and mean survival time is about 7 months. The risk of complication and selection of patient should be carefully evaluated before carrying out this procedure.
