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篇名 Management of Complete Posterior Urethral Rupture: A 15-Year Experience
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 後尿道完全性斷裂之15年處理經驗報告
作者 許惠明陳沛輝郭華基楊清華黎兆祺
頁次 1-6
關鍵字 尿道斷裂即時性尿道修補術陽痿urethral ruptureprimary realignmentimpotenceTSCI
出刊日期 199703




The management of complete posterior urethral rupture continues to be controversial, and no single policy has received universal acceptance. As reported in the literature, management by initial cystostomy and delayed repair was assumed to decrease the incidence of impotence and incontinence; therefore was regarded as the standard procedure for complete posterior urethral rupture. Findings here failed to support this viewpoint. A review of experience with 28 consecutive cases of complete posterior urethral rupture in the past 15 years (from July 1981 to May 1996), included a follow-up ranging from six months to four years. As for the mechanism of injury, 22 patients were involved in motor vehicle accidents, 5 had falls and 1 had crush injury. All patients were potent and continent before injury. Retrograde urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethral rupture. The 28 patients were divided into two groups. Group A: 7 patients had initial cystostomy and delayed repair, done when the patient was a poor surgical risk and hemodynamically unstable, and Group B: 21 patients had primary realignment with interlocking sound method, done when the patient was hemodynamically stable and in good surgical condition. Impotence was noted in 28% (2/7) of Group A; compared to 24% (5/21) of Group B. No incontinent patient was noted in Group A compared to 5% (1/21) in Group B. No significant difference in the rate of impotence and incontinence was noted between the two groups. It was found here that careful primary realignment of complete posterior urethral rupture is a safe procedure, producing an acceptable result, and that impotence and incontinence seemed to be related mainly to the initial injury.
