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篇名 Feminizing Genitoplasty
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 女性化外生殖器官整型手術
作者 余燦榮
頁次 205-209
關鍵字 陰陽人假性陰陽人外生殖器整型手術性別定位ambiguous genitaliaintersexpseudohermaphroditismgenitoplastygender assignmentTSCI
出刊日期 199612


陰陽人之性別定位對病人而言是相當重要的一個決定。不管是定位在女性或定位在男性,一個適當的外生殖器整形手是必要的。我們對一個17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase缺乏的病人及對一個5α-reductase缺乏的病人進行女性化外生殖器整形手術,結果成功的完成性腺的切除及外生殖器整形手術。此種重建手術包括小陰唇的再造,陰蒂及陰唇的縮小手術,皮瓣陰道整型手術,但不可傷及尿道及直腸。女性化外生殖器整形手術應該被實行在定位於女性的陰陽人身上。


Gender assignment is one of the most important decisions for intersex patients. An appropriate genitoplasty may be necessary for a male or female assignment in intersex patients. Feminizing genitoplasty was performed in one patient with 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency. Genitoplasty in combination with gonadectomy was performed successfully in these two patients. Reconstructive operation should include restoration of labia minora, reductive surgery of clitoris and labia majora, flap plastic surgery of vagina. Injury to urethra and rectum should be carefully avoided. Feminizing genitoplasty should be performed for an ambiguous genitalia in the intersex patient following a female gender assignment.
