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篇名 Retroperitoneoscopic Nephrectomy for Benign Nonfunctioning Kidney
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 後腹腔鏡腎臟切除術治療良性無功能腎
作者 鄒頡龍邱文祥王百孚黃志賢陳光國張心湜
頁次 117-123
關鍵字 腎切除術腹腔鏡,後腹腔空間無功能腎nephrectomylaparoscopyretroperitoneal spacenonfunctioning kidneyTSCI
出刊日期 199609


從1993年9月到1994年7月,我們為8位良性無功能腎的病人施行後腹腔鏡腎切除手術。術前及術後的資料予以回溯性的研究整理,並與1990至1993年之間完成的單純腎切除術(simple nephrectomy)相比較。所有病患在術後以電話訪談完成問卷,以了解恢復的情形。後腹腔鏡腎切除手術有6例成功,2例失敗。平均手術時間為3.9小時,單純腎切除術平均需2.9小時。估計失血量分別為78毫升及737毫升。術後所需要的止痛藥分別為Demerol(Meperidine hydrochloride)58 mg及148 mg。後腹腔鏡手術的病人平均有術後第三天出院,單純腎切除術的病人平均需要8天。以上的各組數據以Mann-Whitney test分析,發現除了術後所需止痛藥外,其餘皆有統計上的意義。兩組病人皆沒有手術導致的死亡。有兩例後腹腔鏡手術分別因為粘連及出血而失敗,改採傳統的開腹手術並順利完全。就我們目前的初期經驗,後腹腔鏡腎切除手術有術後疼痛較少、術中失血較少、及術後恢復較快等優點,但是手術所花的時間,亦比較長。


From September 1993 to July 1994, a total of eight retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomies were performed in our hospital. Six of them were successfully accomplished; two cases of conversion were caused by adhesion and bleeding. Perioperative data were reviewed and compared with another 20 cases of open simple nephrectomy. The average operative time was 3.9 hours for retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy and 2.9 hours for open simple nephrectomy; the estimated blood loss was 78 ml and 737 ml respectively. Postoperative parenteral analgesic medication was Demerol (Meperidine hydrochloride) 58 mgfor the scopic group and 148 mgfor the open group. Postoperative hospital days were three days for the scopic, and eight for the open, surgical group. The parameters noted show statistical significance (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney test), except the postoperative analgesic medication. From this limited clinical experience, retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy seems superior to traditional simple nephrectomy with regard to surgical morbidity, postoperative pain and recovery, except for operative time.
