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篇名 The Complications of Renal Transplant Biopsy and Review of Articles
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 移植後腎臟活體切片之併發症及文獻之回顧
作者 陳紹民朱聖賢賴明坤莊正鏗陳孝文陳志碩江仰仁周建中
頁次 124-130
關鍵字 腎臟移植活體切片檢查併發症renal transplantationbiopsycomplicationsTSCI
出刊日期 199609




In many transplant centers, there is a reluctance to perform renal transplant biopsy for fear of complications which may jeopardize the graft. For 304 renal transplants, safety of the renal allograft biopsy was evaluated by retrospectively studying 59 biopsy specimens in 57 patients between July 1981 and December 1993. Microscopic hematuria was found in 15 cases (88.2%) of open renal transplant biopsy and in 31 cases (73.8%) of echo-guided biopsy. Macroscopic hematuria was found in two cases (4.8%) of echo-guided biopsy. No macroscopic hematuria was found in open biopsy. All the cases of microscopic or macroscopic hematurid resolved spontaneously. Also, subcapsular hematoma was found in one case (5.9%) of open biopsy. The hematoma was removed by surgical intervention with stable condition of the graft. No graft loss or deterioration occurred because of renal transplant biopsy. The study demonstrated that renal transplant biopsy is a relatively safe procedure, but not without risk. Actually, any invasive procedure will potentially jeopardize a renal graft to a greater or lesser degree. Reported here are the experience and results of a study of morbidity as related to open and echo-guided biopsy of the transplanted kidney
