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篇名 Identification of Proteus Mirabilis Urease Gene and 16S Ribosomal DNA in Urinary Calculi by Polymerase Chain Reaction
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 以聚合酶鏈反應偵測尿石中的變形桿菌尿素酵素基因及16S核糖去氧核糖核酸
作者 王中敬陳淳許德金賴明坤
頁次 65-70
關鍵字 尿石磷酸銨鎂尿石變形桿菌尿素酸素聚合酶鏈反應urinary calculistruviteProteus mirabilisureasepolymerase chain reactionTSCI
出刊日期 199606




Ninety-five urinary tract stones, composed of struvite with/without apatite, were examined by polymerase chain reaction( PCR )for the presence of Proteus mirabilis urease gene and eubactertal 16S ribosomal DNA. PCR demonstrated the presence of urease gene in 31, and 16S ribosomal DNA in 58, of the 95 calculi investigated. PCR was not only positive in 22 calculi in which Proteus mirabilis was discovered by urine culture, but also in 2 cases with negative urine culture. It was concluded that the PCR method is feasible and convenient for identifying the existence of Proteus mirabilis as viable or nonviable cells within urinary calculi.
