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篇名 Crystalluria in Patients with and without Renal Colic
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 結晶尿在腎絞痛與非腎絞痛病患所代表之意義
作者 楊福麟傅延宗朱元中胡非力范保羅閻中原張聖原
頁次 71-76
關鍵字 結晶尿腎絞痛crystalluriarenal colicTSCI
出刊日期 199606


本文回朔性研究的目的在評估結晶尿在腎絞痛病患與非腎絞痛病患所代表之意義。研究的範圍包含135位實驗組及199位對照組。我們發現各種不同的結晶體在尿液中,包括草酸鈣、無定形性磷酸鹽、無定形性尿酸鹽、三重磷酸鹽及尿酸結晶體等。在腎絞痛病患(Group I)的尿液中,31位(23%)有結晶尿(Group IA),其餘病患則無(Group IB)。在非腎絞痛病患(Group II)中發現18位(9%)尿液有結晶體(Group IIA),其餘則無(Group IIB)。所有實驗組及對照組在腎絞痛病患之無症狀均再接受第二次尿液檢查,Group I總共有23位(19%)發現結晶尿,其中Group IA有13位(42%)發現有持續性結晶尿,Group IB則有10位(9%)尿液有結晶體;Group II則總共有20位(11%)發現結晶尿,其中Group IIA有9位(50%)發現有持續性結晶尿,Group IIB則有11位(6%)尿液有結晶體。在平均23.6個月追蹤期內,原腎絞痛病患中共有28位(21%)復發。Group IA組12位復發患者中7位(54%)是兩次尿液檢查皆呈現結晶尿,而Group IB組16位復發患者中4位(40%)是第二次尿液檢查出現結晶尿。相對而言,在平均28.2個月追蹤期內,無任何Group II病患出現腎絞痛。根據以上結果,我們認為,腎絞痛患者較易出現結晶尿。若結晶尿持續出現,這類患者較易復發。當結晶尿與腎絞痛中間的關係仍須更深入的研究探討。


A retropective study was conducted to evaluate crystalluria in renal colic patients. There are 135 patients in the study group (renal colic) and 199 in the control group (without renal colic). Various kinds of urinary crystals were found in routine urinalysis, including calcium oxalate, amorphous phosphate, amorphous urate, triple phosphate and uric acid. In the patients with renal colic (Group 1), 31(23%) patients had crystalluria (Group IA), and the others had free crystal in urine (Group IB). In control patients (Group II), 18 (9%) patients had crystals in urine (Group IIA), and the others had free crystal in urine (Group IIB). After the follow-up period (20-37 months), all patients received secondary urinalysis in an asymptomatic condition. Twenty-three (19%) patients in Group I, and 20 (11%) patients in Group II had crystalluria. Individually, there were 13 (42%), 10 (9%), 9 (50%) and 11 (6%) patients in Group IA, Group IB, Group IIA and Group IIB had crystalluria. With mean follow-up of 23.6 months, 28 (21%) patients in Group I had recurrent renal colic, including 12 patients in Group IA and 16 patients in Group IB. Of these 12 patients in Group IA, 7 (58%) patients had crystalluria in both examinations. Of these 16 patients in Group IB, 4 (40%) patients had crystalluria in the secondary examination. In contrast, there was no patient in Group II developing renal colic during the follow-up period. From the results of our study, crystalluria were found more frequently in the patients with renal colic than in those without, even in the period of free of symptoms. Repeated crystalluria in patients with a history of renal colic may disclose a higher recurrent rate of renal colic attack. However, further investigation will be required to clarify the precise mechanism of the calcium crystalluria and urolithiasis or renal colic.
