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篇名 Intravesical Migration of an Intrauterine Device with Stone Formation
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 膀胱內異物結石-子宮內避孕器潛行
作者 陳鼎源程千里楊泰和馬正平
頁次 99-102
關鍵字 子宮內避孕器膀胱結石異物潛行Intrauterine devicesvesical calculusforeign body migrationTSCI
出刊日期 199606




Migration of IUD (intrauterine device) is not uncommon. However, intravesical migration of IUD with stone formation is very rare. To our knowledge, only 20 cases had been reported in the literature since 1972 to 1993. Herein, we report a 42-year-old woman in whom an IUD (Copper-7) migrated into the bladder 2 months after insertion and she got pregnancy in 1980. The child was delivered by nature. The woman remained asymptomatic for 13 years until she presented with urinary symptoms. The foreign body induced vesical calculus was removed by cystoscopy and EHL (Electrohydraulic lithotripsy).
