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篇名 Effect of Prostaglandin E2 on the Contractility of Human Ureter in Vitro: A Preliminary Report
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 前列腺素E2對人類輸尿管收縮的作用:先期報告
作者 張建成林信男周詠欽洪英晢鄭瑞棠
頁次 1-5
關鍵字 前列腺素E2輸尿管prostaglandin E2ureterTSCI
出刊日期 199603




The presence of prostaglandin E2(PGE2) in the human ureter implies that PGE2 has a regulatory role in the ureter. Human ureter specimens were thus collected to study the in vitro effect of PGE2. Ureteral preparations, resected from patients who had received surgery for urological diseases, were placed in warmed Tyrode’s solution (37°C) after a resting tension of 1 gram; a solution of PGE2 or KC1 was added to induce ureteral contraction, isometrically. The PGE2 can help the ureter to resume contractility in the presence of indomethacin at a concentration sufficient to block cyclooxygenase. Tetrodotoxin did not inhibit ureteral contractions induced by PGE2, but the ureteral contraction was abolished by nifedipine. Contraction induced by PGE2 in the human ureter are probably mediated by an opening of the calcium channel in the myogenic membrane, and not via neurogenic stimulation.
