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篇名 內視鏡手術中沖洗液溫度對病人體溫的影響
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Thermal Effect of Irrigant on Core Temperature of Patients during Endourological Surgery
作者 陳偉權李瀛輝謝峽浪簡邦平余家政黃榮慶
頁次 6-11
關鍵字 體溫低溫經尿道攝護腺切除術經皮腎臟截石術hypothermiatransurethral prostatectomypercutaneous nephrolithototomyTSCI
出刊日期 199603




The aim of this prospective study is to characterize the decrease in core body temperature associated with transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), and to compare the patients response to room temperature irrigants and to warm irrigants perioperatively. Core body tern peratures were recorded during the periopertive period. Intraoperative temperature measurements were obtained via an esophageal thermistor probe. For patients undergoing either TURP or PCNL, the mean core temperature decrease 2.0°C room temperature in the patients with and a mean 0.5°C in those who with warm irrigants. Patients with room tempature irrigants significantly declined more core temperature intraoperatively. This decline was correlated with the amount of irrigants and the operation period in those undergoing PCNL with room temperature irrigants. (p<0.05) In addition, patients receiving warm irrigants recovered better subjectively. (p<0.05) The results suggested that efforts to preserve core body temperature during TURP or PCNL may reduce the degree of hypothermia and its potential complications.
