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篇名 The Correlation between Diuretic Renography and Retrograde Pyelography in Dilated Upper Urinary Tract
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 利用核子醫學腎臟攝影檢查及逆行性腎盂攝影檢查在診斷上尿路擴張的相關性
作者 周康齊陳光國林登龍張延驊吳宏豪徐慧興邱文祥張心湜
頁次 12-16
關鍵字 水腎利尿核子醫學腎臟攝影檢查逆行性腎盂攝影檢查hydronephrosisdiuretic renographyretrograde pyelographyTSCI
出刊日期 199603




Dilatation of upper urinary tract does not necessarily indicate obstruction. We evaluate the correlation between diuretic renography and retrograde pyelography in an attempt to understand the diagnostic accuracy rate of diuretic renography for obstruction. A total of 68 patients with dilatation of upper urinary tract receiving both diuretic renography and retrograde pyelography were enrolled in this retrospective study. Non-obstruction was defined as the ureter catheter could be inserted into the renal pelvis in the retrograde pyelographic examination. Of the 68 patients, 52 had non-obstruction in diuretic renography. Retrograde pyelography also showed non-obstruction in 48 of these 52 patients (92.3%). The remaining 16 of 68 patients had obstruction in the diuretic renographic study. Retrograde pyelography also showed obstruction in 11 of these 16 patients. Overall, the same interpretation (correlation) between these 2 examinations was found in 59 of 68 patients (86.8 %). In conclusion, our results suggest that there is a good correlation between diuretic renography and retrograde pyelography. Diuretic renography may be a good examination to evaluate the status of obstruction (organic or non-organic) in a dilated upper urinary tract.
