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篇名 Human Seminal Prostaglandin E2 in Infertility Patients
卷期 4:4
並列篇名 男性不孕症病患精液前列腺素戊二型之濃度
作者 呂敏中張文昌林信男
頁次 1201-1205
關鍵字 infertilityprostaglandin E2TSCI
出刊日期 199312


本文主要是討男性不孕症病患其精液中前列腺素戊二型濃度之改變,從1991年7月至1992年7月共有20位病患進行研究。其中15位為不孕症病患,年齡從22歲至43歲(平均32.9歲,第一組)和5位正常受檢者,年齡從28至51歲(平均37.4歲,第二組)。經過3至5天之禁慾期,所有病患均以手淫方法把精液取出並於兩小時內作一般精液查和放射性免疫分析,其精液前列腺素戊二型之濃度分別為3.55 ± 1.86 (平均值 ± 誤差)和9.26 ± 4.24 ug/ml。正常組之濃度明顯高於不孕症病患(p值小於0.05)。從本篇初期報告顯示低濃度之前列腺素戊二型與男性不孕症可能有某種程度之關係。


The study was conducted in 15 infertile men aged from 22 to 43 years old (mean 32.9 years, Group 1), and 5 fertile control volunteers aged from 28 to 51 years old (mean 37.4 years, Group 2). Semen samples were collected by masturbation after a three to five-day abstinence period, and evaluated within 2 hours after ejaculation. Each specimen was the subject of routine semen analysis by Makler chamber and quantification of prostaglandin E2 concentration by a specific radioimmunoassay. Results indicated that seminal prostaglandin E2 concentration was 3.55 ± 1.86 (mean ± S.D), and 9.26 ± 4.24 ug/ml in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, The fertile control group had a higher prostaglandin E2 level, with a significantly different P value of less than 0.05 Prreliminary findings showed that men with low prostaglandin E2 concentration in their semen tend to be infertile. More studies will be required to verify this conclusion.

