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篇名 Metabolic Evaluation of Active Urinary Stone Formers
卷期 4:4
並列篇名 易患尿路結石患者之新陳代謝評估
作者 蘇忠仁劉清雄董建民石奉周于大雄程千里楊泰和
頁次 1217-1223
關鍵字 urolithiasismetabolismTSCI
出刊日期 199312




Sixty-four patients who had actively formed urinary stones were studied from January 1990 to December 1992 at the Air Force and the Tri-Service General Hospitals in Taipei. Their possible underlying medical diseases or metabolic abnormalities were investigated. Clinical disorders were defined in 35 cases (55%). Among them, 22 cases (34%) were idiopathic hypercalciuria, the major common metabolic disorder. Its subtypes were characterized as 6 cases of absorptive hypercalciuria, 11 cases of renal hypercalicuria, 1 case of hyperuricosuric hypercalciuria; 4 cases were unclassified hypercalciuria. Five case (7.8%) were primary hyperparathyroidism and four (6.2%) uric acid stone, hyperoxaluria and Paget’s disease of bone were found in each of the active stone formers. There were 29 cases (45%) whose etiological factors could not be detected. Etiology, diagnostic procedures, treatment and prevention will be discussed.

