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篇名 Soluble Urinary Macromolecular Protein in Normal Males and in Urinary Stone Formers
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 正常男性及尿路結石患者之可溶性巨分子量尿蛋白質
作者 陳偉權李瀛輝趙大衛簡邦平吳東霖黃榮慶
頁次 78-82
關鍵字 尿路結石尿蛋白質電泳法urolithiasisurinary proteinselectrophoresisTSCI
出刊日期 199506


本研究是藉由電泳法分析正常男性二十人及男性尿路結石患者三十五人尿中可溶性蛋白質差異。二十個尿標本來自正常男性,另外三十五來自男性尿路結石患者。在收集過程中結石患者必須無結石發生及尿路感染的情形。尿路結石患者結石種類包括了十三個草酸鈣、七個尿酸、十二個磷灰石、三個雙水磷酸氫鈣,每個尿標本乃是取中段且新鮮尿液二百毫升作分析。尿液先濃縮,透析再冷凍乾燥後待標本成固態後保存。每種結石成份一樣的尿標本混在一起,然後作電泳分析經比較正常男性與男性結石患者電泳圖發現,下列幾種不同於正常男性的蛋白質:草酸鈣結石患者七個,尿酸結石患者二個,磷灰石結石患者五個,雙水磷酸氫鈣二個。分子量分別為:屬草酸鈣者A(61 kDa)、B(37 kDa)、C(30 kDa)、D(26 kDa)、E(25 kDa)、F(23 kDa)及G(22 kDa);屬尿酸者H(63 kDa)及I(59 kDa);屬磷灰石者J(65 kDa)、K(42 kDa)、C(30 kDa )、F(23 kDa)及G(22 kDa);屬雙水磷酸氫鈣者A(61 kDa)及I(59 kDa);這些結果顯示這些蛋白質可能在結石形成過程中扮演某些角色。然而,我們須更進一步的雙向電泳及免疫染色才能確定這些蛋白質在結石的地位。


This study was designed to detect the differences in soluble urinary proteins between 20 normal male individuals and 35 urinary-stone-formers by electrophoresis. Twenty urine samples were obtained from normal male individuals and 35, from male urinary stone formers. In these recurrent stone formers, urine samples were collected at a time they were free of urinary stone and urinary tract infection. The crystalline composition of urinary stones of these 35 stone-formers were calcium oxalate in 13, uric acid in 7, carbonate apatite in 12 and brushite in 3. Two hundred milliliter fresh, and midstream, voiding urine was collected for analysis. The urine was concentrated, dialyzed, frozen and lyophilized. The resulting powder was stored at-70#0C until further use. The powdered samples of the same stone composition catagory were pooled and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparision of protein profiles of stone formers with those of normal individuals identified the following different urinary proteins: seven with calcium oxalate, two with uric acid, five with apatite and two with brushite, for the stone formers. The proteins comprised protein A(61kDa), B(37kDa), C(30kDa), D(26kDa), E(25kDa), F(23kDa) and G(22kDa) for calcium oxalate, protein H(63kDa) and I(59kDa) for uric acid, protein J(65kDa), K(42kDa), C(30.0kDa), F(23kDa) and G(22kDa) for carbonate apatite and protein A(61kDa) and I(59kDa) for brushite. Our results showed that the different soluble urinary proteins existed in urine of stone-formers when compared with normal individuals. Whether these proteins may play a role in the formation of urinary stone, it has been investigated by further studies such as western blotting and crystalllization model to confirm these proteins as potential markers of stone formation.
