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篇名 不當使用鈣磷補充劑預防骨質疏鬆症可引發尿路結石
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Inproper Use of Calcium and Phosphrous for the Prevention of Osteoporosis May Induce Urolithiasis
作者 李瀛輝黃榮慶
頁次 112-116
關鍵字 骨質疏鬆症尿路結石osteoporosisurinary calculicalciumphosphousTSCI
出刊日期 199506


我們最近診斷出數例婦女為了要預防骨質疏鬆症,自行服用鈣磷補充劑因而導致尿路結石。她們平均年齡是40.3歲(21-63)。四例病人當中有一例,腹部X光攝影明顯可見腎結石,另外三例則發生多次腎絞痛,並排出細微扁平之黑褐色或黃色之結石。其中三例遵照醫囑後收集到結石,結石分析顯示均屬磷酸鈣類結石:carbonate apatite + protein,carbonate apatite,amorphous calcium phosphate 。四位婦女病人均自行服用鈣磷補充劑來預防骨質疏鬆症,時間自數週至數月不等。她們在服用鈣磷補充劑前皆無腎結石之病史,在接受醫囑後不再服用鈣磷補充劑後未復發相同之症狀。骨質疏鬆症較常發生在一些內分泌失調之疾病:包括早期停經之婦女(一般多半發生於停經後15-20年)、缺乏運動、外傷、飲食異常、腸胃吸收異常、肝腎疾病、血液疾病、抽煙、喝酒、過量咖啡等。我們建議:一般婦女最好不要自行服藥來預防骨質疏鬆症,不當使用鈣磷補充劑除了可導致尿路結石外,尚可產生高血鈣症、便秘,服用毛地黃治療心臟病者亦可產生毛地黃中毒。此外,專家們認為對大多數婦女而言,鈣磷補充劑僅能治療而不能預防骨質疏鬆症。因此,是否罹患骨質疏鬆症,應該由有經驗之婦產科和骨科醫師經仔細之X光檢查並評估骨質密度後,再針對原因決定如何治療。而一旦決定採用鈣磷補充劑,無論是預防或治療骨質疏鬆症,必頊注意尿路結石產生之可能性。


Between July, 1994 and January, 1995, four female patients who took calcium and phosphorus supplements for prevention of osteoporosis were diagnosed with drug-induced urolithiasis. Their mean age was 40.3 years range 21 to 63). All presented with renal colic. Stone analysis was available in three patients, with results showing carbonate apatite + protein, carbonate apatite, amorphous calcium phophate. All patients had already taken calcium and phosphorus supplements from several weeks to months. None of them had an earlier history of nephrolithiasis. After discontinuation of the calcium and phosphorus supplements, renal colic attack stopped. Many factors may contribute to the development of osteoporosis: menopause, sedentary life-style, trauma, dietary deficiency, deficient calcium absorption, liver disease, chronic renal failure, hematological disease, smoking, alcohol abuse, high caffeine. The side effects of calcium supplement can include hypercalcemia, constipation, nephrocalcinosis and digitalis intoxication. Actually, calcium supplements do not prevent osteoporosis in most patients. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis should be based on the radiological investigation of the skeleton and quantification of bone minerals. Once a decision has been made to use calcium supplements for the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis, physicians should make patients aware of the potential side effect of urolithiasis.
