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篇名 自發性破裂腎臟肌肉血管脂肪瘤-病例報告
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Spontaneous Rupture of Renal Angiomyolipoma: A Case Report
作者 v陳黎明黃偉晃曾炳榮譚家俊
頁次 117-120
關鍵字 腎血管肌肉脂肪瘤,;,出血,電腦斷層攝影renal angiomyolipomahemorrhage,computerized tomographyTSCI
出刊日期 199506


患者是一位57歲女性,因左腰突然劇痛、休克至本院急診求診。患者之血壓為80/65 mmHg,血色素9.5g/dl,腹部電腦斷層攝影發現左腎有一巨大腫瘤,同時呈現低脂肪密度之腫塊,而且在腎臟周圍有血腫現象。在左腎血管肌肉脂肪瘤自發性破裂診斷下施以左腎切除術,本文特就其診斷及治療過程作一詳細討論。


A 57-year-old female came to emergency room with sudden onset of left flank pain, and in shock. The patient was an acutely-ill appearing woman with a blood pressure of 80/65 mmHg. Laboratory test showed hemoglobin of 9.5 gm/dl. An immediate computerized tomography (CT) detected a mass in the middle portion of the left kidney, with a density value like fat and with a perirenal hematoma formation. With a impression of renal angiomyolipoma of the left kidney with spontaneous rupture, a nephrectomy was performed. The differential diagnosis is discussed and the literature, reviewed.
