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篇名 Congenital Penile Curvature in Adults
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 成人先天性陰莖彎曲
作者 謝啟誠李祥生孫光煥于大雄馮超傑馬正平楊泰和
頁次 73-77
關鍵字 陰莖彎曲白膜折疊術penile curvaturetunica albuginea plicationTSCI
出刊日期 199506


從1992至1995年共有17例先天性陰莖彎曲接受手術治療。所有病例的尿道海綿體均屬正常,在經陰莖海綿體內罌粟鹼注射後呈現不同程度的彎曲,其中8例為腹面彎曲,6例左側面彎曲,1例呈右側面彎曲,另2例則合併腹、側面彎曲。在表皮、肉膜筋膜甚至遠端尿道周圍之纖維組識剝離後均不能矯正陰莖彎曲,代表所有病例均屬陰莖海綿體本身不對稱。所有病例均接受單純白膜折疊術治療,2例在術後追蹤仍有輕微的腹面彎曲,但嚴重程度尚不須再接受手術矯正,另l 例則因術後感染而復發,再次手術後情況良好。於平均追蹤13.3個月後,所有病患均對手術結果感到滿意。故我們認為對先天性陰莖彎曲,白膜折疊手術提供了一個簡單、快速、有效且傷害較少的方法。


We treated 17 adult patients with congenital penile curvature from 1992 to 1995. Each patient appeared to have a primary curvature with normal corpus spongiosum. Artificial erection with papaverine injection demonstrated varied degrees of convexity of penis. Ten patients showed ventral curvature, 2 of these 10 with ventral curvature combined with left deviation of the penis. The other 7 patients presented penile lateral curvature, 6 with left deviation and 1 with right deviation. Dissecting the skin and dartos fascia was not adequate to straighten the penis in all patients, even removal of fibrous tissue in pen- urethral region in two cases with ventral curvature, which implied a disproportion of corpora cavernosa. We corrected this congenital deformity with tunica albuginea plication alone. Complication of mild ventral curvature after plication occurred in two patients, but it was not severe enough to require reoperation. One case developed recurrent penile curvature due to infection, which was resolved after re-plication. After a mean follow-up of 13.3 months, all patients were satisfied with the result of the operation. We believe that the plication of tunica albuginea provides a simple, effective as well as less traumatic method for correction of the congenital penile curvature.
