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篇名 Palliative Orthopedic Management for Bony Metastasis from Renal Cell Cabcinoma
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 腎細胞癌併骨轉移的骨科姑息療法
作者 高義盛陳光國陳天雄陳明村張心湜
頁次 19-23
關鍵字 腎細胞癌,,;,,骨轉移骨科療法renal cell carcinomabony metatasisorthopedic managementTSCI
出刊日期 199503




A retrospective review of 23 cases of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with bony metastasis was conducted in this hospital, covering the past 10 years when 9 patients had received palliative orthopedic management. Pathologiacl fracture had been diagnosed in eight patients and impending fracture in one. Four fractures had occurred at the femur, three at the humerus and two at the spine. Six of the nine patients were known to have RCC only after orthopedic procedure. Three cases developed bony metastasis after radical nephrectomy. Six of them had obvious functional improvement and pain relief, None died from the surgical procedure. Two patients are alive after the procedure but two patients survived less than two months. Four patients survived more than four months, and one was lost to follow-up. It was concluded that pathological fracture, impending fracture or spinal instability do not necessarily indicate a terminal event for patients with RCC and bony metastasis. On the other hand, palliatibve orthopedic procedures can decrease morbidity and improve the patient’s life quality.
