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篇名 單一劑量Ofloxacin 治療急性下泌尿道感染
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Single-Dose Ofloxacin for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infections
作者 陳永泰楊緒棣陳日昇
頁次 241-245
關鍵字 單一劑量治療下泌尿感染ofloxacinlower urinary tract infectionTSCI
出刊日期 199412


本文報告以單一劑量 ofloxacin 200mg治療急性單純性下泌尿道感染的藥效評估。研究對象是有膿尿及頻尿/迫切尿狀的門診病患。複雜性尿路感染(如尿石症、腎盂腎炎和腫瘤等)均排除在外不列入研究中。投藥前做尿液分析及尿液細菌培養;服藥後第三天再檢查一次尿液分析。結果65.1%的人人尿液中白血球數回複到正常值(<5/HPF);27.9%的病人有顯著進步;7%的病人未改善。5位患者(9%)出現出物副作用,以腸胃不適為主。年齡、膿尿嚴重度、尿液細菌培養結果似手對治療成效沒有顯著影響。台灣地區抗生素使用浮濫,投藥性菌種產生迅速,單一劑量治療可以減少這種弊端並能降低醫療費用,值得做深入的廣泛研究。


Seventy-three patients who experienced acute uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections with mainly gram negative becteria received a single dose 200mg ofloxacin treatment. Urinary leukocyte count returned to normal level in 65.1% of the patients three day after drug administration. Patients with significant bacteriuria achieved the best result (sure rate 75%). Age and severity of pyuria had no significant influence on the result. Adverse drug reaction, with G-I upset the predominant discomfort, occurred for 9.09% of the patients. Compared with traditional long term (7-14days) or short duration (1-3 days) treatment, single dose therapy has the following advantages: (1)lower cost; (2) less chance of inducing resistant strain microorganism; (3) fewer side effect; (4)better patient compliance. It would be worthwhile to undertake extensive study of clinical applications especially in Taiwan where the medical budget is rising and bacterial resistant strains are common.
