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篇名 98例膀胱結石的臨床檢討
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Clinical Studies on 98 Cases of Vesical Caliculi
作者 林芳樹馬永漢王旭翔陳淳
頁次 253-258
關鍵字 尿路結石膀胱urinary calculibladderTSCI
出刊日期 199412


將1987年8月至1992年約5年間,於羅東博愛醫院泌尿科經放射線檢查證實為尿路結石症且入院治療者共1,547例。其中以下部尿路結石者98例(男性:95例,女性:3例)為對象進行臨床分析及討論。佔總尿路結石(1,547例)的6.3%。上部、下部比為14:1,男女比為32:1,年齡層於50~59歲呈高峰。臨床症狀以肉眼性血尿者27例(27.6%)。尿路感染者34例(34.7%),84例尿液培養中認定有致病菌者15例(17.9%)。治療方式以經尿道膀胱碎石術(Transurethral Cystolithotripsy)者86例,膀胱截石術(Cystolithotomy)者8例。可推斷誘發原因者79例(80.6%),其中合併前列腺肥大症患者佔最多,53例(67.1%)。


Urolithiasis of the lower urinary tract can be classified into two categories, those formed in the upper tract which subsequently move with peristalsis downward into the bladder, and those themselves formed inside the bladder. Nevertheless, most of the calculi can be easily removed. It is absolutely necessary to treat the causes of obstruction and retention simultaneously. During the last 5 years (August, 1987 to December, 1992) 98 Cases of vesical calculi have been seen here. Vesical calculi occupied 6.3% (98/1547) of all aducitted urolithiasis cases, with male-to-female ratio of 32:1 and mean age of 50. The ratio of upper and lower urinary calculi was 14:1. The most frequent complaint was gross hematuria (27.6%). Pyuria and bacteriuria were noted in 34.7% (34/98) and 17.9% (15/84), respectively. Methods of stone removal were variable including cystolithotomy (8 cases) and cystolithotripsy (86 cases). The causes of 79 cases (80.6%) of vesical calculi were explainable, and most of them were benign prostatic hyperplasia.
