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篇名 Torsion of Testis
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 睪丸扭轉
作者 周詠欽林信男鄭鴻琳唐一清蔡宗欣楊文宏張建成呂敏中
頁次 105-110
關鍵字 睪丸扭轉扭轉復位抗精蟲抗體testicular torsiondetorsionantisperm antibodyTSCI
出刊日期 199406




From September 1988 to July 1993, 23 patients underwent testicular exploration under suspicion of testicular torsion. Testicular torsions in 17 of patients, epididymitis and/or orchitis in 5 patients, and incarcerated inguinal hernia in 1 patient were found. Most of the patients had testicular torsion which had occurred between the ages of 10-20years. The left testis was more frequently involved than the right (11:6). Fourteen patients (82.4%) had testicular torsion occurring between the months of November to April. About 70.6% of the patients showed leukocytosis. Diagnostic studies included scrotal scan, Doppler stethoscope or color duplex ultrasonogram. Scrotal scan and color duplex ultrasnogram had a higher predictive positive rate than Doppler stethoscope, but they were costly procedures and the scan can not usually be performed in an emergency. Surgical exploration was immediately performed in all patients when testicular torsion was suspected. At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis. In the other six patients the testes were salvaged. Poor testicular salvage rate was the result of delayed presentation at this department in most cases. Positive antisperm antibody was noted in one of three patients during follow-up, suggesting that autoimmune response may be induced after testicular torsion.
