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篇名 Treatment of Symptomatic Simple Renal Cyst with Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Aspiration and Minocycline Sclerotherapy: Results and Follow-up
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 單純性腎囊腫以超音波導引穿刺合併美樂黴素硬化治療之結果和追蹤
作者 張世忠廖永明許悌郭漢崇
頁次 1124-1130
關鍵字 kidneycystminocyclineaspirationsclerotherapyTSCI
出刊日期 199309




The effectiveness of cyst aspiration and adjuvant instillation of minocycline hydrochloride as a sclerosing agent for the treatment of simple renal cysts was evaluated in a total of 27 patients with 36 cysts. Twenty-one patients (77.8%) reported prompt relief of their flank discomfort immediately after treatment. In an average follow-up period of 16.5 months, 33.3% of the treated cysts had completely disappeared, while another 45.8% were at least 50% diminished in size when followed up by renosonography. Only one-fifth of the cysts were refractory to sclerotherapy, and remained stationary. No treatment associated complication nor malignant transformation was observed in the series, and 14 out of 22 (63.6%) who responded to our questionnaire claimed that their treatments satisfactory. It is suggested that cyst puncture and instillation of minocycline as the initial treatment modality for simple renal cysts because it is a simple, safe and relatively effective method.
