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篇名 The Effects of Vasectomy on Sexual Behaviour
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 輸精管結紮術對性行為之影響
作者 勞漢信劉詩彬林明中江萬煊丘祖毅
頁次 1131-1134
關鍵字 vasectomysex behaviorTSCI
出刊日期 199309




Two hundred and fifty-eight vasectomies were performed under the auspices of the outpatient special clinic of National Taiwan University Hospital and the Taipei Family Planning Promotion Center, during the period from July, 1989 to June, 1990. All of the subjects who had undergone vasectomy two years earlier were mailed a questionnaire in 1992 to investigate whether there had been any change in their sexual behaviour after vasectomy. Complete data were available for review in 209 cases (81%). Less than 5% reported negative results which would have decreased libido (3.3%), decreased sexual frequency (3.8%), achieved poor erectile rigidity (1%) and lessened sexual enjoyment (4.3%). Four percent reported that their had noticed an alteration in sexual behaviour after vasectomy. In spite of these changes, the majority of men (95%) reported satisfaction with the results of the operation. It appears that changes in sexual behaviour post-vasectomy can not be attributed directly to that procedure.

