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篇名 Clinical Evaluation and Management of Pheochromocytoma
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 嗜鉻細胞瘤之臨床評估及治療
作者 張進寶陳明村黃榮慶陳光國林登龍李瀛輝張延驊吳宏豪徐慧興張心湜
頁次 1135-1141
關鍵字 PhechromocytomaparagangliomacatecholamineTSCI
出刊日期 199309




Pheocharomocytoma is a rare and potentially lethal cause of hypertension, but it is surgically revesible. Diagnosis may be difficult, because catecholamine release is often intermittent and the location of the lesion is variable. Between January 1981 and January 1992, 26 patients with pheocharomocytoma were observed. There were 17 male and 9 female patients. The tumor was adrenal in 18 patients (69.2%), including bilateral in 3 (11.5%), familial (MEN-II) in 1 (3.8%) and malignant in 2 (7.7%). It was extra-adrenal in eight cases (30.8%), including carotid body in two cases, posterior mediastinum in one case, superior para-aortic in three cases, organs of Zuckerkandl in one case and urinary bladder in one case. The clinical hallmark was hypertension, but some patients were normotensive or hypotensive. Of the 26 patients, 8 (30%) had no history of hypertension. A total of 24 patients underwent surgical excision of the tumor. Two patients proved to have malignant tumors. Of these 2 patients, one case died of metastases. Unusual hypertensive syndrome should be screened for the possibility of pheochromocytoma. After surgical excision, long-term followup is mandatory.
