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篇名 Acquired Renal Cystic Disease Associated with Neoplasia in Uremic Patients after Dialysis
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 長期洗腎病人之後天性腎囊腫與腎細胞癌
作者 林儒廷吳宏豪陳明村林登龍陳光國張心湜
頁次 1159-1164
關鍵字 hemodialysiscstcarcinomarenal cellTSCI
出刊日期 199309


本院回朔48位長期洗腎並有規律追蹤的尿毒病人,洗腎時間從1年到14年,平均5.1年。發現其中有21位病人罹患了後天性腎囊腫症,佔43.7%。並且有一位產生腎細胞癌而接受腎臟切除手術。後天性腎囊腫症囊壁之內皮細胞具有增生的特性,因此與單純囊泡者(simple cysts)不同,而被視為前惡性(premalignant)。所以長期洗腎不只增加末期腎臟(end stage kidney)產生後天性腎囊腫症的機會,而且有潛在惡性病變的危險。


From a retrospective review of 48 uremic patients undergoing hemodialysis (1 to 14 years, mean: 5.1 years) at this hospital, it was noted that 21 of them (43.7%) had acquired renal cystic disease (ARCD) as indicated by sonograms. One patient (2%) was proved to have adenocinoma of the left kidney. Pathology revealed that epithelial hyperplasia of cyst walls was quite different from that of simple cyst and believed to be premalignant. Long term dialysis not only encourages development of acquired renal cysts, but they harbor the risk of malignancy.
