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篇名 台灣烏腳病流行區膀胱癌高危險區地理分佈探討
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Geographic Distribution of High-Risk Areas for Bladder Cancer in Blackfoot Disease Endemic Areas of Taiwan
作者 江漢聲郭浩然
頁次 1079-1085
關鍵字 膀胱癌烏腳病流行區TSCI
出刊日期 199306




Based on cancer registration date, the incidence of bladder cancer in Blackfoot Disease (BFD) endemic area was estimated. The annual incidence of bladder cancer in this area during the period 1981 and 1985 was 23.53% per 100,000 population. This is a new of the highest incidence areas of bladder cancer in the entire world. Where patients with bladder cancer lived during was analyzeds only to find these years that therer existed “high risk villages”, "low risk villages" and "villages with sporadic cases" of bladder cancer in BFD endemic areas. From the geographic distribution of villages or "high risk" for bladder cancer, this disease was found to be distributed in the endemic area, rather scattered along two rivers and near the sea-side. Any relationship between the carcinogen's distribution and the existence of “high risk villages” needs to be further investigated.

