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篇名 Distribution of Distant Metastases in Patients with Advanced Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 攝護腺癌患者遠端轉移部位分析
作者 吳東霖陳光國陳明村黃榮慶張心湜
頁次 985-990
關鍵字 prostate neoplasmsprotateadenocarinomaneoplasm metastasisTSCI
出刊日期 199303




A retrospective analysis was conducted in 154 consecutive cases with advanced prostatic cancer. Bone was the most frequent site of involvement (77%), followed by lymph nodes (36%). A total of 370 skeletal lesions were noted, using radionuclide bone scan in 118 patients. However, only 48 patients had had evidence of bony destruction by radiographic bone survey; of these, 73% were osteoblastic, 10% were osteolytic, and 17% were mixed osteoblastic and osteolytic lesions. The spine was the most common site of metatases followedby pelvis, ribs/sternum. Two patients had metastases to the penis. Five cases had solitary metastatic lesions, involving rib, sacrum, cervical spine, ischium and lung.
