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篇名 Use of Laparoscopy in Nonpalpable Testis
卷期 3:4
並列篇名 腹腔鏡於不可觸知的隱睪症之應用
作者 余燦榮
頁次 916-920
關鍵字 laparoscopynonpalpable testisvanishing testsintra-abdominal testisstaged orchidopexyTSCI
出刊日期 199212




From August 1990 to May 1992, 15patients underwent successful aparoscopic management for 17 nonpalpable testes under general anesthesia , Six patients with normal anatomy in internal inguinal ring were proved to be either an extra-abdominal vanishing testis or a hypoplastic or atretivc testis. Four patients with blind end of vas and vessels proximal to the internal inquinal ring were planned for orchiectomy or simple or staged orchidopexy depending on clinical situations. Laparoscopy of fers the accurate testicular localization and deternines the next step operation. Also it avoids unnecessary extensive exploration.
