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篇名 The Bacterial Colonies and Stone Encrustation of Different Catheter Materials in Long-Term Suprapubic Cystostomy Patients
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 長期膀胱造瘻病患使用不同材質導尿管之細菌菌落及結石痂垢情形
作者 吳國鈞李瀛輝陳明村黃榮慶陳光國張心湜
頁次 831-835
關鍵字 bacteriologycathetersuprapubiccystostomyTSCI
出刊日期 199209




By using different catheter materials, we studied the bacteriology and stone encrus-tations of 16 patients with long-term suprapubic cystostomy. The incidence of pyuria. bacteriuria and positive catheter culture were 84.0%, 95.6% and 97.9% respectively.The commonent isolated bacteria in urine and catheter were proteus mirabilis followed by pseudomonas aeruginosa. Catheter culture can yield more bacterial species than urine culture. All catheters had crystal depositions, qpatite (79.5%), and struvite (57.1%) were the commonest crystals found by scanning electron microscopy. Bacteria can be directly detected under scanning electron microscopy in 60% of the cases. The results suggested that different catheter materials prevent stone encrustation and urinary tract infection in long-term suprapubic patients. But hydrogel coated latex catheter seemed to have less encrustation. In additon, there was no significant differ-ence of the bacteriology in different catheter materials. Howwver less bacterial positive rate(2/6) was found on scanning electron microscopy in pure silicone catheter.
