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篇名 座椅型經直腸超音波檢查的回顧與評估
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 Review & Evaluation of Chair Type Transrectal Sonography
作者 張奐光羅景易林文州周固
頁次 842-847
關鍵字 座椅型經直腸超音波前列腺貯精囊transrectal sonographyprostatic glandseminal vesicleTSCI
出刊日期 199209




From March 1985 to December 1990, there are 5091 patients being checked for 5874 times of chair type transrectal sonography exam-ination in Mackay Mamorial. The target organs include urinary bladder, prostatic gland & seminal vesicle. There are 337 bladder cancer being diag-nosed and staged in 1024 patients (33%). Also in 3704 patients. There are 241 patient of prostatic cancer (6.5%) and 2334 patients of benign prostatic hypertrophy (63%). The seminal vesicle was inveded by malignant tumour in 8 of 363 examined hemospermia patients (2.2%). From the above statistic deta,we confirm the positive function of transrectal Sonography in diagnosis & staging of bladder cancer. It is also valuable in diagnosis, pre-operative evaluation & post-operative follow up of benign prostatic hy-pertrophy. However, in early stage of prostatic cancer the diagnostic ratio is 22%. It means the echo machine is not so sensitive, and we can’s de-pend on it as the only tool to detect the pro-static cancer. Fine needle biopsy & PSA exami-nation is necessary. Most of the hemospermia patients have in-flammation of periseminal vesicle organ. The incidence of malignant tumor is very low. We conclude that transreatal sonography is convenient in mass screening of lower geni-tourinary organ including urinary bladder, pro-static gland and seminal vesicles. But it is most sensitive and accurate in detection of early pro-staitc cancer.
