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篇名 In Vitro Nerve-Mediated Responses in the Smooth Muscles of Lower Urinary Tract of Animals
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 下泌尿道平滑肌神經刺激反應之動物實驗
作者 朱元中陳宏一范保羅胡非力
頁次 770-779
關鍵字 bladderurethracholinergic nerveα-adrenoceptorTSCI
出刊日期 199206


一般同意膀胱的自主神經支配包括了交感和副交感神經,但似乎是此兩種神經的分部並不能完全解釋膀胱收縮的機能,我們利用了兔子和豬膀胱的肌肉做體外藥物及電刺激實驗,膀胱肌肉的電刺激收縮可為Atropine部份抑制,剩下的用Tetrodotoxin可完全抑制收縮,至於膀胱三角及尿道肌肉部反應較弱。兔子中,電刺激的反應在前壁較後壁強但沒有性別的差異,可是對Carba-chol的收縮反應則前後壁沒什麼不同,Phento-lamine可抑制尿道之電刺激收縮,至於在豬中,前後壁的電刺激反應沒什麼區別,而且也沒有性別差異,α-β methylene ATP 只對膀胱電刺激收縮有部份抑制,但對尿道則沒有反應。


The neurophysiological mechanisms of the smooth muscles of the lower urinary tract have been less well studied than many other types. In the present study, the na-ture of the nerve-mediated contractions in the lower urinary tract smooth muscles from the rabbitf and pig was examined in vitro using field stimulation of muscle strips, and recording the isometric tension generated. Field stimulation produced frequencydepentdent contractions in rabbit and pig bladder strips that were partially blocked by atropine.The atropine resistant response was completely abolished by the addition of tetrodotox-in. Smaller contractile responses ot field stimulation were present in trigone and ure-thral strips. In the rabbit, the frequency-response curves showed that the contractiole re-sponses of the anterior were significantly greater than of posterior strip in both the sexes, but there was no significant difference in the response to field stim-ulation between the sexes or in the dose-response curv to carhachol between the ante-rior and posterior detrusor strips or between the sexes of the rabbit. Atropine had very little effect on the response to fieldf simulation in the rebbit urethra; phentolamine almost abolishe the contractile response to nerve stimulation. In the pig there was no significantly different response to field stimulation between the anterior and posterior detrusor or between the sexes. α , B-methylene ATP caused a partial inhibition of field stimulation in the rebbit and pig detrusor, but no effect on the urethral strips. In con-clusion, the present studies confirmed that abundant nerve distributes in the bladder, α-adrenoceptors predominated in the urethra, and non-adrentrgic non-cholinergic transmitters are involved in the mechanism function of the lower urinary.
