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篇名 Incidental Renal Cell Carcinoma
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 偶發性腎細胞癌
作者 李之徽張聖原于大雄蔡永成李祥生程千里王曉暹楊泰和馬正平
頁次 678-681
關鍵字 incidentalrenal cell carcinomaTSCI
出刊日期 199203




With the increasing use of excretory urography, computerized tomography and abdominal sonography for non-urological patients, renal tumors are diagnosed as incidental findings with increasing frequency in recent years. Traditional presenting symptoms of renal cell carcinoma, such as hematuria, flank pain or mass, weight loss and especially the classic triad (hematuria, pain and mass) usually accompajnied by the advanced disease. We reported the clinical presentation and tumor stage in 21 patients with incikdental renal cell carcinoma between 1980 and 1990. The incidence of incidental renal cell carcinoma was 25.6 per cent (21/82) in our series. The male to female ratio was 1.31:1. Symptoms of incidental renal cell carcinoma was nonspecific, i.e., the symptoms of upper gastrointestinal discomfort 23.8% (6/21) or upper respiratory tract infection 14.3% (3/21). All patients had received radical nephrectomy. There was no statistical difference in the tumor staging, either symptomatic or incidental, between stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ. Lower stage of tumor in incidental renal cell carcinoma as comour series. Higher survival rate can be achieved in earlier diagnosis and treatment of incidental renal cell carcinoma.
