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篇名 Chromosome Analysis in Patients with Hypospadias
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 尿道下裂患者染色體分析之研究
作者 陳世乾闕士傑蔡崇璋莊壽洺謝德生陳淳丘袓毅
頁次 600-607
關鍵字 hypospadiaschromosome analysismosaicismklinefelter's syndromeTSCI
出刊日期 199112




From 1969 to 1990, there were 202 chromosome analyses performed for clinically impressed hypospadiac patients in our hospital. Exculding sixteen cases of femake karyotype, there were one hundred and eighty six cases included in the study. We retrospectively reviewed their charts, and the results were analyzed. The distribution of patients according to severity of hypospadias were 32(17.2%) anterior, 36(19.3%) middel, and 118(63.5%) posterior. Chromosome anomalies were noted in 5 of 32(15.6%) anterior, 4 of 36 (11.1%) middle, and 11 of 118(9.3%) posterior hypospadiac patients. The incidence of chromosome anomaly in hypospadias was higher than that of general population, and the majority of anomalies occurred in sex chromosome. The incidence of chromosome anomaly is not correlated to the severity of hypospadias. Patterns and significance of abnormal karyotypes were discussed, and they showed great variations from one hypospadias to another, and no defenite aetiological correlations could be established. Seventy six cases had assosiated anomalies, consisting mainly of cryptorchidism, hernia, bifid scrotum, and intersex. Thirteen siblings of these 186 index cases were reported having hypospadias, accounting for a familial incidence of 6.9%.
