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篇名 Endometriosis of the Urinary Tract
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 泌尿系統子宮內膜異位症
作者 李祥生張聖原楊泰和閻中原馬正平
頁次 545-550
關鍵字 endometriosisgenito-urinary tractTSCI
出刊日期 199109




Although endometriosis involiving the urinary tract is rare, it is responsible for considerable morbidity. We report 3 successfully treated cases of endometriosis involiving urinary tract. In two patients uretera obstruction secondary to endomteriosis were noted; in the third patient vesical endometriosis wad defined. Because of these nonspecific clinical presentations and possible irreversible renal damage, a high index of suspicion of the deisease and careful physical and pelvic examination are necessary to early diagnosis and treatment. The liberal use of intravenous urography even in cases of minimal endometriosis is urged. The clinical features, diagnosis, and mangement of endometriosis involving urinary tract are discussed, based on our experience and review of the literatures.
