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篇名 尿路結石之掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Direct Observation of Urinary Stones under Scanning Electron Microscope
作者 陳汶吉廖克剛楊慶鏘江泛洲
頁次 438-446
關鍵字 尿路結石掃瞄式電子顯微鏡結晶晶僻解理TSCI
出刊日期 199106


三十七例尿路結石,在簡單的準備過程後,即可在掃瞄式電子顯微鏡下觀察,結果可以顯示各種結晶的特殊三度空間影像,透過晶僻及解理等結晶學之特性,我們觀察的結石有單水草酸鈣、雙水草酸鈣、磷灰石、白磷鈣石、透磷鈣石、磷酸氨鎂、尿酸以及內含之有機質,其中更有一例為內含磷灰石鑲嵌之雙鉤形輸尿管導管,掃瞄式電子顯微鏡用來觀察尿路結石可以簡單及快速的進行,並能提供三度空間影像,僅需少量樣品且不破壞它,對於結晶之形成及成長之探討具有發展之潛力,我們僅提出報告期能拋磚引玉。(J Urol R.O.C., 2:438-446, 1991)


Thirty-seven cases of urinary stones were studied under scanning electron microscope and were presented here. All urinary stones were prepared in simple methods, these include crack, conducting glue and gold coating. Throughout the courses of observation, many different types of crystal such as whewellite, weddellite, apatite, whitlockite, brushite, struvite and urate were found. With the help of crystallographic habits and cleavage,urinary stones were much more easier to interpretate different crystal under scanning electron microscopy. In addition, organ-ic matrix were observed in six cases and a case of encrustated apatite stone was noted in Dou-ble-J catheter. Using of scanning electron mi-croscopy to the analysis of urinary stones may be potential in helping medical treatment of urinary stone in the near future. The phenon-menon of organic matrix and encrustated Dou-ble-J catheter should be further investigated.
