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篇名 Experience on Surgical Treatment of Nephroptosis
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 腎下垂之手術治療經驗
作者 謝汝敦黃海華吳劍清陳修義
頁次 447-451
關鍵字 nephroptosisnephropexylumbodorsal approachTSCI
出刊日期 199106




Seventeen female patients who suffered from symptomatic nephroptosis were treat-ed surgically from January 1982 to January 1989. All of the patients were found to have palpable kidney on erect position. Incapacitating flank and/or lower abdominal pains were the prominent complaints. From excretory urogram with standing film, the average distance of excursion of the effected kidney was 6.5cm (range: 5.0 to 9.6cm). Kelly's method of nephropexy were performed on these patients. Fourteen patients were operated on the right kidney, two patients on both sides and only one patients on the left side. Eighteen ptotic kidneys were fixed via flank incision, only one case through lumbodorsal approach. Postoperatively, all of these patients were relieved of symptoms, and the surgically fixed kidneys gained their normal positions by follow-up x-rays. Nephropexy affords satisfactory treatment to the well selected patients who suffer from symptomatic nephroptosis. (J Urol R.O.C., 2:447-451, 1991)
