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篇名 To What Size Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Alone is Feasible for Large Renal Stone?
卷期 1:4
並列篇名 單獨使用體外電震波碎石術可治療多大的腎結石?
作者 莊光達李瀛輝陳明村張心湜黃榮慶陳光國林登龍李良明張延驊吳宏豪
頁次 276-283
關鍵字 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy large renal stonedouble J ureteral stentTSCI
出刊日期 199012


從1988年8月至1989年10月共有97位腎結石的病患接受治療。結石大小從20mm到126mm不等,平均為52.8mm。結石負荷(stone burden)的定義為所有結石的長和寬的總和,以mm表示。以65mm為臨界點將所有病患分為兩組。每位病患先以膀胱鏡放置雙 J 型輸尿管導管,再施以體外電震波碎石術,術後在門診追縱。若結石沒有完全排出的跡象,再給予第二或第三次體外電震波碎石術治療。追蹤時間從3個月到17個月不等。在第一組結石負荷小於或等於65mm的57個病患中,57位治療成功(76%),但併發症的發生率為38.7%。而第二組結石負荷大於65mm的22個病患中,僅5位治療成功(22.7%),但併發症的發生率卻高達72.7%(16/22)。所以在治療腎結石的病患,若結石負荷大於65mm,最好採用經皮腎造廔取石術及體外電震波碎石術合併治療。


A total of 97 urolithiasis patients were enrolled between August 1988 to October 1989. The stone burden ranged from 20 mm to 126 mm with a mean of 52.8 mm.. The stone burden is defined as the sum (in millimeters) of the length and width of all stones. Of 75 patients suffered from renal stones with a burden less than or equal to 65 mm (group 1), and in 22 patients the calculi measured larger than 65 mm. (Group 2). In group 1, a success rate of 76%(57/75) was noticed and the complica-tion occurred in 38.7%(29/75) which was considered satisfactory. In group 2, signifi-cantly more untoward problems encountered in 16 of 22(72.7%). Only 5 of 22(22.7%) were free of stones or with stone material likely to discharge spontaneously. In conclu-sion, for treatment of large renal stone, if stone burden larger than 65 mm, the com-bination of PCNL and ESWL seem to be the preferred treatment. (J Urol R.O.C., 1:276-283, 1990)
