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篇名 中華民國台灣省泌尿道惡性腫瘤死已率之變遷
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 Genitourinary Neoplasms in Taiwan, R.O.C.
作者 于大雄張聖原馬正平
頁次 168-174
關鍵字 台灣泌尿道惡性腫瘤死亡率TSCI
出刊日期 199009


根據行政院衛生署統計資料顯示,台灣自民國41年至民國75年共35年間因癌症死亡之人數已由每十萬人中30.74人升至每十萬人中85.55人。死亡人數由41年之2,459人增加至75年之16,559人。在所有死亡原因比例中由3.23%提升至18.04%,而在近十年中癌症也一直位居十大死亡原因首位。根據現有完整統計資料顯示,自民國63年至75年共13年間,泌尿道腫瘤死亡之人數由288人增至621人,在死亡比例中也由2.94%升高至3.75%。泌尿道惡性腫瘤一直位居癌症死亡原因之第五(男)或第八(女)順位。男性因泌尿道癌死亡者較女性為高,比例上超過2:1。在台灣膀胱癌一直是最常見之泌尿道癌,也是泌尿道腫瘤最常見之死亡原因。在所有膀胱癌,腎臟癌及攝護腺死亡人口中,13年來其年齡層之分佈並未有太大改變,唯有因睪丸癌死亡之年齡層逐漸由年小者移轉至年大者,原因之一可能是近代化學藥物治療進步之效果。對於國內泌尿道惡性腫瘤死亡率逐年變之了解有助於吾人將來對某些特殊病因之注意及研究調查。(J Uorl R.O.C., 1:168-174,1990)


The crude death rate due to malignancy had raised from 30.74 per 100,000 people to 85.55 per 100,000 people in Taiwan from 1952 to 1986. The unmber of death had increased form 2,459 people per year (1952) to 18.04% (1986) and malignancies have ranked in the top one of ten causes of death in Taiwan for 7 years till now. The number of death due to genitourinary neoplasms (urinary bladder, kidney, prostate, testis and others) also had increased from (1974) to 621 (1986) and the death ratio had increased form 2.94% (1974) to 3.75% (1986). The death due to genitourinary neoplasms still ranks between 5th (male) and 8th (female) in the causes of death due to malignancies. Male have higher incidence in getting genitourinary neoplasms with death than female (more than 2:1). The bladder cancer is still the mosst common cancer and cause of death of genitourinary neoplasms in Taiwan. The age distribution of death in bladder, kidney and prostate cancer had no significant change between 1974 and 1986, only death of testicular cancer had shifted from previous younger generation to older generation which may be due to early diagnosis and more effective adjuvant chemotherapy in the disease.
