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篇名 陰莖背動脈及深動脈在動脈性陽萎之角色評估
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 Evaluation of Dorsal Artery and Deep Artery in Vasculogenic Impotence
作者 劉培嶸黃一勝楊啟瑞張吉隆張兆祥吳錫金
頁次 181-188
關鍵字 陽萎陰莖背動脈陰莖深動脈impotencepenile dorsal arterypenile deep arteryTSCI
出刊日期 199009


過去的二年內,中榮民總醫院收集了三十二位陽萎的病人進入本研究。我們使用都卜勒超音波(Diasonic DRF/400)進行陰莖背動脈及深動脈在陽萎病人的角色評估,主要是測定其血流流速,包括在陰莖海綿體內注射Papaverine(60mg)或PGE1 (20mcg)之前後分別于以測定。如果注射後兩側深動脈之血流速只要有一側小於25厘米/秒的病人,則定義為動脈性陽萎,兩側都大於25厘米/秒的病人定義為非動脈性陽萎。三十二例中有二十一例是動脈性陽萎,注射前後背動脈的血流增加情形分別是左邊33.1±17.1厘米/秒,右邊35.5±18.3厘米/秒,在深動脈分別是左邊14.4±9.3厘米/秒,右邊8.1±4.1厘米/秒。其餘的十一例是屬於非動脈性陽萎,注射前後背動脈的血流增加情形分是左邊41.0±14.3厘米/秒,右邊51.5±21.5厘米/秒,在深動脈分別是左邊36.8±16.3厘米/秒,右邊37.1±15.4厘米/秒。比較動脈性及非動脈性陽萎二組病人的血流速度在注射藥物前後的增加情形,我們發現背動脈的流速增加在這兩組病人中並沒有顯著的差別(P>0.1),但在深動脈卻有顯著而有意義的差別(P<0.01),所以這說明了深動脈在陰莖勃起反應中扮演了極重要的角色,也是造成動脈性陽萎的主因,而相形之下,背動脈所扮演的角色就不如此重要了。(J Uorl R.O.C., 1: 181-188,1990)


From November 1987 to July 1989, 32 impotent patients entered this study. We used duplex ultrasonography (Diasonic DRF/400) in assessment of the role of dorsal artery and deep artery in arteriogenic and non-arteriogenic impotent patients. Vascular velocity was detectecd before and after intracavernous injection with papaverine (60 mg) or prostaglandin E1 (20 mcg). In arteriogenic group (21 cases, 65.6%), the velocity increments in dorsal artery are 33.1±17.1 cm/sec (left side), and 35.5±18.3 cm/sec (right side), in deep artery are 14.4±9.3 cm/sec (left) and 8.1±4.1 cm/sec (right). In non-arteriogenic group (11 cases, 34.4%), the velocity increments are 41.0±14.3 cm/sec (left) and 51.5±21.5 cm/sec (right) in dorsal artery, 36.8±16.3 cm/sec (left) and 37.1±15.4 cm/sec (right) in deep artery. The comparison of velocity increment between arteriogenic and non-arteriogenic group, there is no difference in dorsal artery (p<0.1), but significant difference in deep artery (p<0.01). This study indicates that deep artery plays an important role in erectile response, while less is dorsal artery.
