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篇名 Urodynamic Studies in Women Complaining of Stress Urinary Incontinence
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 自認應力性尿失禁婦人的尿流動力學研究
作者 邱基旭唐一清戴錦綢林信男
頁次 189-196
關鍵字 stress urinary incontinenceurodynamicsstress urethral pressure profilometryTSCI
出刊日期 199009




From October 1988 to December 1989, thirty-two female patients with subjective symptoms of involuntary urine loss during abdominal straining underwent urodynamic studies of lower urinary tract. The urodynamic evaluation included uroflowmetry, cystometry and stress urethral pressure profilometry (SUPP). Cystometry showed 88% (28/32) of the patients had stable bladder storage function, 6% (2/32) had detrusor instability and 6% (2 had low bladder compliance. The uroflowmetry showed low flow in 26% (6/32) and normal uroflow in 74% (17/32). Seventy-two percent (23/32) of the patients were found to have incomplete bladder emptying. SUPP revealed 78% (25/32) of the patients had negative urethral closure pressure during cough. The percentage of patients with abnormal urodynamic findings other than positive SUPP revealed 78% (25/32) of the patients had negative urethral closure pressure during cough. The percentage of patients with abnormal urodynamic findings other than positing cough. The percentage of patients with abnormal urodynamic findings other than positive SUPP only was 47. Thus it can be concluded that urodynamic studies are useful in making diagnosis and preoperative evaluation for patients with stress urinary incontinence.
