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篇名 陰莖癌的治療
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 The Management of Penile Carcinoma
作者 張進寶李瀛輝陳明村黃榮慶陳光國林登龍李良明張延驊吳宏豪張心湜
頁次 226-232
關鍵字 陰莖癌部分陰莖切除術全陰莖切除術鼠蹊部哨兵淋巴結penile carcinomapartical pencetomytotal penectomysentinel lymph nodeTSCI
出刊日期 199009


從民國59年1月至78年12月,本院共治療98位陰莖癌的病人。包括86位下皮細胞癌(Epidermoid Carcinoma),10位疣癌(Verrucous Carcinoma),1位原位癌(Carcinoma in situ)及1位粘膜上皮細胞癌(Muco-epidermoid Carcinoma)。根據本院統計陰莖癌占所有男性癌症病患的0.34%。病人依據Jackson’s臨床分期,第一期占51.02%,第二期20.41%,第三期24.49%,第四期4.08%。本院對於陰莖癌的治療以外科手術為主,包括部分陰莖切除術(partial penectomy)及全陰莖切除術(Total penectomy)。拒絕接受陰莖切除術或較晚期的病患則接受放射線治療、化學治療或兩者合併使用。陰莖上皮細胞癌病人五年存活率:第一期71.88%,第二期45.45%,第三期26.67%,第四期0%;而陰莖疣癌病人五年之存活率平均為75%。(J Uorl R.O.C., 1: 226-232,1990)


Ninety-eight patients with carcinoma of the penis treated over a period of twenty years (1970-1989) were retrospectively analyzed. Of this patients, 86 Patients were epidermoid 10 patients were verrucous carcinoma, one patient was carcinoma in situ and one patient was muco-epidermoid carcinoma. Our series showed that the incidence of penile cancer was 0.34% of all malignant tumors in male. According to Jackson’s clinical staging, 51.02% were in stage I, 20.41% in stage II, 24.49% in stahge III and 4.08% in stage IV. Carcinoma of the penis was chiefly treated with surgical method including partial and total penectomy. Some patients who refused penectomy or advanced case were transferred to Cancer-Therapeutic Center for radiotherapy, chemotherapy or combined treatment. Five years survival rate of epidermoid carcinoma of penis was 71.88% in staghe I, 45.45% in stage II, 26.67% in stage III and 0% in stage IV. The average five years survival rate of verrucous carcinoma of penis was 75%.
