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篇名 Phantom Kidney in the Postnephrectomy Site: A Prospective Study of 21 Cases
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 腎臟切除後所發生之假腎現象:臨床21位病例研究報告
作者 于大雄官世英張聖原閻中原楊泰和陳維廉馬正平
頁次 128-133
關鍵字 phantom kidneypostnephrectomy siteeffective renal plasma flowTSCI
出刊日期 199006




A survey was conducted on 21 nephrectomized patients (M:F=13:8) who underwent the routine 99m Tc-DTPA radionuclide kidney scan, including blood flow imaging at various periods pre- and postoperatively. Perfusion of tracer in the area of the nephrectomized kidney (phantom kidney) was demonstrated in 6 patients (29%) with equal (1 case) or less (5 cases) activity than the actual kidney. Five phantom kidneys (83%) were found on the left and one on the right. Two patients were psot simple nephrectomy, 2 post radical nephrectomy, and 2 post nephroureterectomy with removal of bladder cuff. Four patients had persistent radioactivity throughout the whole course of imaging, two patients had phantom kidney appearing in the late phase of imaging. The appearance of phantom kidney had a correlation with the patient’s preoperative renal plasma flow. This phenomenon could be a source of error in the interpretation of kidney imaging. (J Urol R.O.C., 1: 128-133, 1990)
