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篇名 Renal Oncocytoma
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 腎嗜酸細胞瘤
作者 江博暉江金培黃俊雄簡崇知
頁次 146-150
關鍵字 renal oncocytomakidney neoplasmoxyphilic adenomaTSCI
出刊日期 199006




The renal oncocytoma is rare neoplasm. There are about 229 cases reported in the literature. A 60 year-old male suffered from fever, cough had body weight loss. No hematuria of flank pain was noted. Renal sonography incidentally revealed a large renal tumor with central relatively hypoechoic area with calcification. Computerized tomography showed a homogeneous renal tumor with central stellate hypodensity without lymphadenopathy or involvement of adjacent organs. Right nephrectomy was performted due to its large size and extending into hilar area. The pathologic findings revealed oncocytes in the histological picture. Sonography, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography can reveal central scar area. Though similar appearing may be found with renal cell carcinoma, they can offer some clues to the suspicion of oncocytoma. The diagnosis of renal oncocytoma has important clinical and prognostic implications as the neoplasm typically exhibits benign biologic behaveior. (J Urol R.O.C., 1: 146-150, 1990)
