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篇名 Clinical Application of Transrectal Sonographic Voiding Cystourethrography in Male Patients with Voiding Dysfunction
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 經直腸超音波之排尿膀胱尿道攝影於男性解尿不良病人之臨床應用
作者 張宏江郭漢崇丘祖毅蔡崇璋
頁次 11-16
關鍵字 transrectal ultrasonography sonographic voiding cystourethrographyTSCI
出刊日期 199003




Since the development of transrectal ultrasonography in last decade, the static image of prostate beame more perfect. But the dynamic imaging of lower urinary tract is still difficult to be acquired in conventional clinical examination. We tried to use the transrectal sagittal ultrasono-transdurcer for the dynamic study of posterior urethrain National Taiwan University Hospital. The so-called sonographic voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) was tried in 60 patients with functional and obstructive voiding disturbance, and real-time dynamic images were able to be detected in 38 patients. The “Echourodynamic” may provide consecutive image of the voiding motion and help to locate the real problems in our patients. Not only the endolumen of uretra, but also the surrounding soft tissue may be easily visualized in the sonographic VCUG. Although there are limitations for this new procedure, several benefits still make the sonographic VCUG valuable.

