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篇名 中藥對人類精蟲活動力的影響 -體外實驗的效果評估
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicines on the Human Sperm Motility- Evaluation of the in Vitro Study
作者 江漢聲楊玲玲陳慧敏梁偉華江萬煊
頁次 24-33
關鍵字 Chinese herbal medicinessperm motilityTSCI
出刊日期 199003


18種中藥複方和50種單方藥取材經過萃取加入人類正常精液以評估中藥對人類精蟲活動力的影響。我們發現18種中藥”強精”複方中只有七寶美髯丹、還少丹、三才封髓丹三種能增強精蟲的活動力,其餘15種中有三種反而是抑制精蟲活動力。在50種單方中藥的篩檢中,我們以0.5mg/ml、1.0 mg/ml、2.0 mg/ml三種濃度進行實驗,有現其中枳實、沈香、陳皮、血竭、薑黃、五倍子、厚朴、沒藥、肉豆蔻、葶藶子、牽牛子、蘇木、莪朮等13種中藥單方對人類精蟲活動力有強列抑制作用,可作為發展男性避孕藥的方向。


Eighteen kinds of Chinese medical prescriptions used in traditional medicine to improve the male fertility and potency and 50 kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs routinely used in general practive were collected, inentified and extracted. Each extract was added into the human sperm in vitro, and then the effect on the sperm motility was evaluated with motility index calculationi. In our preliminary result showed that there are only 3 kinds of chinese medicinal prescriptions could enhance the sperm motility in vitro. On the contrary, 3 of the 18 kinds had definitely inhibited sperm motility. In the group of 50 kinds of Chinese medical herbs, the study was performed with 3 different concentrations (0.5mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml, 2.0 mg/ml). There are thirteen kinds found to be effective to inhibit the sperm motility in vitro. They are Aurantii Immaturus Fructus, Aquilariae Lignum, Citri Sinensis Exocarpium, Draconis Resima, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma, Galla Rhois, Magnoliae Cortex Marrha, Myristicase Semen, Pharbitidis Semen, Sappan Lignum, Zedoariae Rhizoma. Further extract form these crude substance might be promising for the investigation of a practical medication as male contraceptive.

