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篇名 Intravesical Instillation of Taipei-NIPM Bacillus Calmette-Guerin in Prophylactic Treatment of Superficial Bladder Cancer: A Preliminary Report of Phase I-II Clinical Trial
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 膀胱內灌注卡介苗(Taipei-IPM)預防表淺性膀胱癌復發之第I-II期臨床試驗初報
作者 張聖原于大雄閻中原楊泰和蘇忠仁程千里王曉暹馬正平廖明一
頁次 17-23
關鍵字 Taipei-NIPM BCGintravesical instillationsuperficial bladder cancerTSCI
出刊日期 199003




A domestically produced bacillus Calmette-Guerin (named), derived from Tokyo-172 strain, was used to treat 11 patients (M: F=7: 4) with superficial bladder cancer (10 stage A and 1 stage B2; 2 grade I, 8 grade II, and 1 grade III). The phase I-II clinical trial was performed to assess the side effects and efficacy of BCG as a prophylaxis againt recurrence. BCG, 50 mg in 50 ml distilled water, was instilled intravesically without cutaneous inoculation. Instillations were given weekly for 6 consecutive weeks. Hematology and biochemistry, including hepatic and renal function, were monitored. Only minor toxicity and/or side effects were observed during therapy and for a period of 5 to 12 months after treatment. Complications included cystitis in 55 per cent of the patients, hematuria in 27 per cent, fever in 9 per cent, and a flu-like syndrome in 9 per cent. A progressive decrease of white blood cell count (55%), hemoglobin (73%), and an increase in the lymphocytic ratio in peripheral white cells (82%) were noticed. Of the patients, 64 per cent had no tumor recurrence 5 to 12 months (mean 8.7 months) after therapy. These preliminary results suggest that intravesical Taipei-NIPM strian BCG instillation is effective as a prophylaxis against recurrent superficial bladder tumors.
