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篇名 Continent Ileal Urinary Diversion
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 禁制性迴腸分流術
作者 張世忠郭漢崇
頁次 34-39
關鍵字 Kock pouchcontinent urinary reservoirneobladderTSCI
出刊日期 199003




10 continent ileal reservoirs (Kock pouch) and 2 appliance-free sphincter-controlled ileal neobladders were created for urinary diversion of various causes. The postoperative results were good when parameters such as reservoir capacity, intrareservoir pressure, efficiency of reflux prevention and continence of the stoma were evaluated for a period of 3-20 months. There were no perioperative mortality and late complication occurred in only 2 cases, although early revision rate for correction of stomal incontinence remained as high as 40%. The reservoir capacity ranged from 300-1200 ml. That requiring self-catheterization of 3-7 times at daytime and 3-5 times nocturnally. The mean intra-reservoir resting pressure was less than 10cm H2O with periodic phasic contraction of low amplitude. All except one were continent. The 2 patients receiving sphincter-controlled neobladder were continent diurnally although the capacity remained below 200 ml.

