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篇名 Intracavernous Injection of Vasoactive Drugs for the Treatment of Impotence
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 以影響血管性藥物作陰莖海綿體注射治療陽萎
作者 呂敏中林信男
頁次 45-50
關鍵字 prostaglandin EpapaverinephentolamineimpotenceTSCI
出刊日期 199003


陰莖勃起是由於陰莖動脈怒張,海綿體竇舒鬆及靜脈收縮的結果。據估計約有十分之一之男性可能會發生陽萎。而一半以上器質性陽萎是因血管性障礙所造成,其中以動脈血流量不良或靜脈閉鎖不全佔了大部份。本篇報告能南成功大學附設醫院泌連部近一年來共有119位陽萎病人接受前列腺素戊一型Prostaglandin E或罌粟鹼Papaverine (PA)混合酚特胺Phentolamine Regitine (RE)注射陰莖海綿體試驗及比較其療效。所有病人都經過詳細的病史問卷、身體檢查、血液生儘化、賀爾蒙測定、杜卜勤超音波及週邊神經之檢查。病人每週或每兩週定期接受藥物注射。而其劑量則視乎勃起反應好壞而有所增減。所謂”良好反應”是指注射後10分鐘之內,陰莖完全勃起至正常硬度而勃起角度超過90°及能滿意的進行性行為。而”不良反應”是指注射之後超過15分鐘,陰莖的勃起硬度達不到一半或完全沒有勃起反應,同時勃起角度也少於90°。PA和RE因有肝故對肝功能男常之病人不給予。而PGE價格稍高,對於經濟有問題之病人也不予考慮。除此以外,所有病人均隨意分成兩組。在這119位病患中,43位接受PGE注射,良好反應有34人(79.1%)。而其餘76位則接受PA+RE之治療,良好反應有51人,但有4人(5.3%)發生勃起時間過長,需緊急處理。結論是以PGE來治療陽萎病人其療效較PA和RE好同時副作用也較。惟其長效影響則有待進一步之評估與研究。


In a prospective study of 119 consecutive impotent patients, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of intracavernous injection of various vasoactive agents. Of the 119 patients, 34 (79.1%) achieved a full erection out of the 43 patients in Prostaglandin E (PGE) group, whereas only 51 (67.1%) achieved a full erection out of 76 patients in Papaverine (PA) plus Phentolamine, was the most significant complication and only occurred in 4 (5.3%) Regitine (RE) group. Priapism was the most significa complication and only occurred in 4 (5.3%) in PA+RE group. In conclusion, intracavernous injection of PGE appear to be better efficiency (at significant level α=0.2, P value=0.16) and less complication than PA+RE. However, the long-term effects must be determined.

