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篇名 達魯瑪克部落狩獵文化與重建之調查研究
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 The Study of Hunting Culture and Cultural Recovery of Taromak Tribal Village, Taitung, Taiwan
作者 劉烱錫
頁次 059-080
關鍵字 中度收穫文化重建狩獵禁忌狩獵動物獸靈崇拜intermediate harvestcultural recoverybest soul worshippinghunting animalhunting taboo
出刊日期 201111


達魯瑪克(taromak)部落位於臺東縣卑南鄉中央山脈山區,在十七世紀即有文獻紀錄,是傳統領域超過2 萬公頃、海拔從100~2400 公尺的山地型社區。本研究訪談3 位耆老有關傳統狩獵文化,結果顯示,狩獵對象包括有神聖動物雲豹、黑熊及熊鷹,而主要狩獵動物有水鹿、山豬、山羊和山羌;以及非主要狩獵動物如獼猴、野兔、穿山甲、果子狸、雉雞、松鼠、飛鼠、鬼鼠等中小型動物。狩獵過程包括決定出發、祭祀祖靈與獸靈、前往獵區、鳥占、獵地祭祀、擺設陷阱、夢占與蠅占、獵殺致死、牽獸魂回家、路上分享獸肉、呼喚青年幫忙揹獵物、屋內祭祀安靈、捕獸肉品處理與分享獸肉等。山腹是狩獵空間,但仍有些地方是禁忌區;高海拔的山頭是神聖區不得狩獵。狩獵時機受農閒與否、家庭需要、夢占、鳥占、蠅占及有無觸犯禁忌等影響。一次狩獵通常僅放三門捕獸夾,全獵獲與無獲均不吉利,偏愛中度收穫原則。本研究認為,文化重建是植基於在地文化,但並非復古或靜止於現在,而是邁向和平、人權、永續發展等普世價值的過程和手段。達魯瑪克部落的狩獵文化具有保育效果與環境倫理教育價值。部落社會是狩獵文化的生育地,但在二十世紀已遭受嚴重破壞,於是研究者提出應長期培力部落社會的緊急訴求。


Taromak is an ancient mountainous tribal village with territory about 20 thousand hectares located in the Central Mountain Range with elevation from 100 to 2400 meters high near Taitung city, Taiwan. This study interviewed three elders about hunting culture. I classify the hunting animal into three categories. The leopard, bear and hawk eagle are belonging to sacred category. The sambar, boar, serow and muntjac are belonging to main category. Whereas, following animals do not hunt intentionally, including monkey, hare, pangolin, many species of fox, squirrel, flying squirrel, pheasant, etc. The hunting process includes making decision, worshipping the ancestor and beast soul, journey to the hunting field, bird divination, pray at the hunting site, placing the traps, dream or fly divination, killing the animal, inviting the animal soul home, sharing the meat on road, calling the young man for help carrying, settling down the animal soul inside house, sharing the meat to relatives and friends. The midhill of the mountain except some taboo places is their hunting area, whereas the high elevation of mountain top are belong to non-hunting god’s place. Whether hunting or not depend on the agriculture activities, living necessaries, divination of dream, birds or flies, taboo violation, etc. The hunters often carry three traps at one time. They prefer intermediate harvest, and believe both total and non harvest is inauspicious.I suggest that cultural recovery bases on local culture, and is the processes and means with objectives to the universal value of peace, human rights, and sustainable development. The hunting culture of taromak tribal village possesses conservative effect and environmental ethic education. The society of tribal village is the cultural habitat of indigenous people. I propose that long term community empowerment is urgent, because the society of tribal village had been disintegrated seriously and quickly in the 20th century.
